De Milieugevolgen van Fast Fashion en het belang van Kledingverzorging.

The world of fast fashion is all about a constant flow of new styles at extremely low prices. But as the fashion industry shifts its focus to the next trendy item, environmental problems are piling up. Fortunately, we already notice more awareness and a growing urge for change among many people. We want to create even more awareness of how much clothing is unnecessarily thrown away and what consequences this has for the environment.

The magnitude of the problem

Every year, no less than 145 million kg of clothing ends up as residual waste in the Netherlands alone. That means an average of about 24 items of clothing per person. It is distressing, especially when you consider that 65 percent of this clothing really did not need to be thrown away and is also perfectly suitable for recycling. This clearly illustrates that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the field of sustainable fashion. (Source: Volkskrant )

The impact of overconsumption

Textile production requires significant amounts of water and land. For example, producing just one cotton T-shirt requires 2,700 liters of fresh water, enough to supply an individual with drinking water for 2.5 years. In 2020, the textile sector was the third largest source of water pollution and land use in the EU. (Source: Race Against Waste )

Water Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

About 20% of global clean water pollution is caused by the dyes and finishing agents used in the textile industry. In addition, synthetic textile fibers contribute to the accumulation of microplastics in the oceans , with devastating consequences for the marine ecosystem. The fashion industry is also responsible for a significant portion of global greenhouse gas emissions, with an estimated 10%. (Source: European Parliament )

Textile Waste and Recycling

The poignant fact that only 1% of used clothing is recycled into new clothing highlights the urgent need for change in our consumer behavior. We really believe that it is high time for a change in mentality and concrete actions to reverse this trend.

The Role of Sustainable Fashion: Care for your Clothes with Love and Style

Fortunately, there are bright spots. Initiatives such as circular fashion, where products are designed with reuse and recycling in mind, offer hope for a more sustainable future.

At STEAMRS we want to emphasize that we are not crazy fashion police, saying you should never buy new clothes again. Of course you outgrow certain outfits, or your style changes over the years. We are certainly not saying that you should never buy from a fast-fashion chain. On the contrary, we love clothes! We want to encourage you to take better care of the clothes you already have at home in a fun, modern and stylish way. Extend the lifespan of your clothes. Buy more consciously and go for garments that you will enjoy for years to come.

With some extra love and the right tools, clothing care is very easy and quick. Wash less often unnecessarily, use sustainable, natural detergents that improve clothes every wash, instead of destroying them. For example, try using a clothes steamer instead of an iron (which crushes and corrodes fabric fibers), and use a fabric shaver to remove pills from your clothes. Do you suffer from fluff or hair that does not disappear after washing? A clothes brush can work wonders!

Let's work together towards a world where sustainability and style go hand in hand. Together we can bring about positive change and create a more sustainable future for generations to come. And look great too!

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